A quick up date this week.. for those of you who don't live in Greece I would like to inform you that ITS HOT BLOODY HOT.. daytime temperatures between 22 and 38 today and likely to get hotter.
That's no fun for us poor humans with so much water in our bodies you walk round wondering if your blood is actually boiling. Shortened tempers are also a common side result of this hence the reply when someone asks politely how you are, you bark back "Hot what do you think!" Then growl (grrrrrr)
But if we mere mortals are suffering then our beloved veggies are having an extremely rough time of it. As you may remember from .last week a few plants were looking a little parched so priority this week is water and shade
To facilitate automatic watering we bought two automatic timers . Total cost 55 Euros and they were fitted easily (Ahem with help from Thannasis)
and are now programmed to water for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. Sorry the photo didn't come out so I will take more and let you see them in action (Actually they just sit there but well you know what I mean)
Ok so watering DONE! lets hope we see some improvement in that area. next moving on to the shade.
Most veggy growers here use green netting. its quite cheap we calculated that to cover an 8 x 9 meter area would cost about 22 euros. Two things:: you can get different thicknesses depending on how much light and heat you wish to allow through and if you are careful you can reuse it for the next year.
Well thankfully again our benevolent land owner comes to the rescue and says he has extra green netting so off up to the farm to collect and put in place
Ok so green netting going up over the toms and cucumbers. Again very thoughtfully our netting came with little hooks on the side which made it easier to fasten to the fence, ground or poles.
We did think that perhaps next time when we plant toms and put up the cane we might arrange the cane into a kind of box shape shape rather than wig wam type shape as this would facilitate the laying of the netting. I think it remains to be seen now how long our erecting efforts will last. One good wind could pull everything down but hey this is trial and error anyway so on-wards and upwards with the learning curve folks.
so Shade DONE
(We may add a bit more next week)
Ok so after all those exertions and a bit more weeding, we really felt we had done enough in THE HEAT..... So other produce was pruned and collected. there are actaully lots of toms growing and the courgettes look yummy
We optimistically thought the melon was ready so Sarah bravely harvested it and we tried it . result really needed another week but would be fine if marinaded in Pimms. I bow to Sarah s superior judgement in this
Brenda weeded away til the proverbial goats came home and Helena and Theresa sorted out the produce to be collected this week. We are certainly getting some nice bags of food each week and more each week. Now as you can see some aubergines (egg plants US friends), cucumbers , lettuce, toms, spring onions and basil.
Well as i was hoping for a British win at Wimbledon my contribution was the bottle of champagne We didn't win the tennis so we toasted the watering system and the green netting. CHEERS
(Sorry about the t shirt, it' s my happy face looks really daft)
Next week we will update on the effectiveness of our shade and watering efforts till then have a cold shower and try to stay coooooool
That's no fun for us poor humans with so much water in our bodies you walk round wondering if your blood is actually boiling. Shortened tempers are also a common side result of this hence the reply when someone asks politely how you are, you bark back "Hot what do you think!" Then growl (grrrrrr)
But if we mere mortals are suffering then our beloved veggies are having an extremely rough time of it. As you may remember from .last week a few plants were looking a little parched so priority this week is water and shade
To facilitate automatic watering we bought two automatic timers . Total cost 55 Euros and they were fitted easily (Ahem with help from Thannasis)
and are now programmed to water for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. Sorry the photo didn't come out so I will take more and let you see them in action (Actually they just sit there but well you know what I mean)
Ok so watering DONE! lets hope we see some improvement in that area. next moving on to the shade.
Most veggy growers here use green netting. its quite cheap we calculated that to cover an 8 x 9 meter area would cost about 22 euros. Two things:: you can get different thicknesses depending on how much light and heat you wish to allow through and if you are careful you can reuse it for the next year.
Well thankfully again our benevolent land owner comes to the rescue and says he has extra green netting so off up to the farm to collect and put in place
Ok so green netting going up over the toms and cucumbers. Again very thoughtfully our netting came with little hooks on the side which made it easier to fasten to the fence, ground or poles.
We did think that perhaps next time when we plant toms and put up the cane we might arrange the cane into a kind of box shape shape rather than wig wam type shape as this would facilitate the laying of the netting. I think it remains to be seen now how long our erecting efforts will last. One good wind could pull everything down but hey this is trial and error anyway so on-wards and upwards with the learning curve folks.
so Shade DONE
(We may add a bit more next week)
Ok so after all those exertions and a bit more weeding, we really felt we had done enough in THE HEAT..... So other produce was pruned and collected. there are actaully lots of toms growing and the courgettes look yummy
We optimistically thought the melon was ready so Sarah bravely harvested it and we tried it . result really needed another week but would be fine if marinaded in Pimms. I bow to Sarah s superior judgement in this
Brenda weeded away til the proverbial goats came home and Helena and Theresa sorted out the produce to be collected this week. We are certainly getting some nice bags of food each week and more each week. Now as you can see some aubergines (egg plants US friends), cucumbers , lettuce, toms, spring onions and basil.
Well as i was hoping for a British win at Wimbledon my contribution was the bottle of champagne We didn't win the tennis so we toasted the watering system and the green netting. CHEERS
(Sorry about the t shirt, it' s my happy face looks really daft)
Next week we will update on the effectiveness of our shade and watering efforts till then have a cold shower and try to stay coooooool
thanks for this newsletter Fran. We look forward to it And we think the T shirt looks great.
ReplyDeletex anne and jim